Monday 12 March 2012


Well done girls for finishing the project.
The powerpoint is complete and has been divided up into sections, so we all have something to say, we even added music to each different photograph..
The edits also look amazing.
See you at 9 in the morning, so we are all prepared in advanced for the presentation x











 After. (edited by Melissa)


Sunday 11 March 2012

Selection of images so far

lunch atop a skyscraper edit

ive just realsied i hadn't added a shadow into the previous image so here it is with a shadow...

Lunch atop a skyscraper - edit

Hey girlies this is what ive got so far.... let me know what you think and if there is anything you think needs changing etc

i have  obviously added the image of the beam... do you think the angle is right?
i have blurred the vegas background to make the picture see more plausible.
i also changed the output and the colour variation so the image appears to have been taken at sunset - do you think it looks okay?

anyway give me your thoughts so i can adjust if necessary.

Test Edit - SAMI

 I've just got Photoshop YAY! So i was just playing around with a Barbie image just to see how hard/easy it was to edit, this is what i came up with.



Think we really need to:...
  • blur the skin
  • darken the eyes
  • emphasise the make up
  • sharpen and possibly smooth the hair, especially mine as it looks all static!
  • oh, and i photoshopped my nose!! i'm becoming quite good at making it look normal!
Just a play around anyway!