Wednesday 29 February 2012

Model - Lucy

We all Know Lucy and know she will be perfect for the Barbie image, shes got the long blonde hair, she loves make-up, shes very slim. From here pictures you can see shes not shy of the camera and loves to pose for pictures. When we asked her she was so excited, she's properly more excited than us for our shoot to be Barbie its here dream come true.

image 4 - your country needs you/ I want you

These two images are the original posters demanding men to join the British army. When you see the image of the man with the hat and Mustache pointing his finger you automatically know what the posters about.

American then created their own version of this poster using the slogan " i want you". They also created similar styled posters for nurser to join the war.

Another poster relating to the war has inspired a trend in
poster, pictures and wall art today. "keep calm and carry on" this slogan and style of poster originated from a early war poster and now is used in many different ways.

Ideas for this image:
We haven’t really came up with a definite idea for this image yet we were thinking we want to use the slogan from the American poster " i want you" we want to use this in a sexy manor using a girl in the image. We decided the finished image will look like a poster using text like the original.

image 3 - sky scraper

Sky Scraper

For this image we've decided to change the backdrop from New York to Vegas, we came up with this idea because we want to use girls in this image who all dressed up and glamous also the orginally image in black and out and we want ours in colour so using Vegas as a back drop is perfect as its a very colourful city with all the lights.


For this image we are looking to use 4-5 models, we have Lucy and katt from the other images we are just looking for another 2-3 models. We agreed if we couldn't find anyone then a couple of us could maybe join in for this image.


We haven’t defiantly agreed on styling for this shoot we have two ideas in mind. We were thinking we could have the models dressed up in show girl outfits to go with the Vegas backdrop. Or we were thinking of just having them dressed up in very glamorous dressers which also goes with the casino fashion in Vegas.


we are doing this shoot in the studio we have a few ideas in the way we could recreate the sky scraper. as there is a woodwork department in our building we are hoping we can get a wooden plank which could balanced on two tables so there is room for the models to dangle their legs to get the high effect of an sky scraper.


There are two ways in which we are going to try to recreate the backdrop we are going to try and project an image of Vegas onto the back wall and see how it looks on camera. Another idea was to Photoshop the backdrop in at the end we are going to blur the background out like the Lego interpretation of the image.

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Katt- The Model

I think that she would be a good choice for the shoot! From the images, she appears that she has the modelling look and would be easy to put in a posing posistion, she has the facial expressions. Very natural looking. The main image we want her for is barbie though, so we could always do that shoot later on after her classes as the studio is open till 7. If she is needed for another one as well , then we could possibly squeeze two in before her class and two after?! I think that she would be a brilliant choice though!

Model - SAMI

Right this is Katt

TELL ME if you don't like her, as i've been in that situation when you hate what the model looks like (suzanne will know haha).
HOWEVER, she's in uni at 2-3:30pm on Thursdays! Which is quite annoying for us...

She is a really good model though, really tall and really skinny, dark hair that goes just past her shoulders (about amy's length) and olive skintone, she can also wear LOADS of makeup and not look like a drag queen, if you know what i mean!

Image 2 - Laurel and Hardy

Laurel and Hardy

In this image we want to get across the funny and stupid side of the double act, this is what they are well known for. Where going to use two girls in this image we want to try and find one model who's quite short and another who's tall to get the look of the double act.

Here are some of the funniest clips of Laurel and Hardy


In this shoot we want to incorporate the bowl hats into the image, we want to keep the same style of clothing but have it a bit more girly for example keep the white shirts and blazers but maybe add black shorts or skirts. As you can see from the image one always wears a bow tie and the other a tie we are going to keep this for our image. As we want to make the image fun we were thinking of using an oversized bow tie to bring out the stupid side of the double act.

Group meeting - Image 1 Barbie

In this meeting today we decided on our 4 final images we want to recreate, we had so many different good ideas to work with but we all agreed on the same ones which we liked. There was one image we all really wanted to use which was Sian’s idea "beauty and the beast" but after discussing our ideas for recreating this image it was hard to make it our own but still be recognized as the starting image.

Final 4 images


For this shoot we decided to take inspiration from the MAC barbie campaign which focuses on the make-up that Barbie would wear and made the models look plastic like dolls

Our image

Model: We decided we want two models in this shoot, one of our models will be Lucy Roscoe she has the long blonde hair and a slim figure like Barbie so would be perfect. For our second model we are planning to one of Sami's friends, she is Chinese and has dark straight hair. Together we think they will created a nice image.

Styling: As the main focus of this image is the make-up you will only see from the shoulders up so there is not much styling needed, we've decided the models will be wearing pink to represent Barbie, we have a bright pink blazer for one of the models.

Location: Our shoot will take place in the studio, we've decided on a soft light with a black back drop. We want their make-up to stand out so want to go over the top with eye shadow and colour so it stands out on film.

This image of the vegas skyline is the biggest i could find that showed the strip(1806 x 1230) and i think i would be a good one to use if we are going to have the girls sitting on something coming out of one of the buildings.

I was also thinking we could buy five sets of underwear from Primark for the girls to wear and then add a lot of jewellery or some head dresses.

Sunday 26 February 2012

How others have done it - SAMI


Very subtle changes to each image, i think my favourite is the last one, because Rankin's added his own spin on things, showing his style of photography through personality, which is what we hope to achieve.
We almost want humour or irony in our images.


Laurel & Hardy
I got this idea from my
dad he loves these films and has every single one, these two are a very iconic double act. When seeing a picture of them you recognize them straight away.


I absolutely love the idea of BARBIE.
Everyone see's barbie as someone being such an innocent doll. It was every girls dream to look like her and fall in love with the man of their dreams, "Ken". However in Toy Story 3, it showed a different side to Barbie, it showed that falling in love isn't all that simple, and she chose helping her friends over Ken. This is clip where it shows the tough non innocent side to her. 

Friday 24 February 2012

Blondie were one of the most famous bands of the 1970/80's and the main vocalist Debbie Harry became a fashion icon of this time. Her punk attitude was teamed with an individual style which combined punk, 70's glam and her famous two toned hair. Many artists have looked to her for inspiration such as Madonna and Lady Ga Ga.
I think as a strong female who has her own style and has influenced the artists of today she would be a great icon for us to take elements from and put into our photo shoot.



Thursday 23 February 2012

Mainstream Barbie

Barbie has been a popular figure for children since her arrival in 1959 and has been passed down from mother to child over the past five decades. Barbie is an icon and because she is not real she has even more staying power than icons that are alive or have lived. The image of Barbie never gets old and since she is a female figure-half the population can relate to her instantly. Many celebrities and fashionable brands have chosen to collaborate with Barbie or to style themselves in her signature look.

The Forever Icon


barbie- vogue magazine

barbie black issue



BARBIE- mood board

Wednesday 22 February 2012


As me (Samantha) Sian + Melissa, met quickly on Tuesday, we are really keen to go with the Lunch Upon a Skyscraper idea....absolutely brilliant photo, totally iconic, and it's not the obvious choice for a fashion shoot! 
We were thinking of having girls 'appear' to be on a skyscraper, doing girlie things like nails, etc. 
I thought an iconic era in fashion is the 1920's, The 1920s is the decade in which fashion entered the modern era. It was the decade in which women first abandoned the more restricting fashions of past years and began to wear more comfortable clothes (such as short skirts or trousers). The 1920s are characterized by two distinct periods of fashion. In the early part of the decade, change was slow, as many were reluctant to adopt new styles. From 1925, the public passionately embraced the styles associated with the Roaring Twenties. These styles continue to characterize fashion until early in 1932.

It's also quite controversial what the women were doing, so having them be glamourous sat amongst a skyscraper for the world to be would be outrageous. Adding depth and a concept to our images, not just a pretty photo! Which is how photography sells, which is what we're trying to learn!

Chicago - iconic movie incorporates all the flapper style, classic glamour - showbiz!

Posing ideas?

Betty Boop - SAMI

Betty Boop is the ultimate cartoon Pin Up....could easily form a cheeky photo from incorporating her style.